Saturday, May 16, 2009

New Launching Pad To A Better Life

Hello All,

I know this blog has been dormant for some time. Mainly due to my lack of interest in written. It's not that I can't write, it's just because I like to talk to people direct, (I got this from my father). He was in business for 36 years in our family owned trucking company. I think he talked his way through every contract he ever received. I never seen him write anything down. He just loved people. I'm a lot like him, when I meet someone I just like to talk and get to know you.

So now back to my blog. There are a lot of great information coming to The Launching Pad. The more I look at the news and continue to see the job lose in America, the more I'm fired up to get the word out on how to make money online. I, myself have dozens of friend who are now unemployed, all within the last three months. Seeing them go through this has gotten me charged up to help any and everyone.

I will start with what I call my "building block" approach. And that is the basics (A.B.C.), for people new to the online money making world, who may have little or no cash flow, but have to lot of time. We will then move on to more advance ways of generating money. I will also have "Fast Track" methods to build cash for people who make have some money to invest in a new home business.

I almost forgot, do you like the new look of my blog. I hope it inspires everyone who visits to think wealthy of themselves and their endless possibilities.

So I hope you come back to The Launching Pad with a since of commitment to changing your financial situation and creating a better life for you and your family.

Please leave comments and suggestion on topics you want to know about.

Until next time...

God Bless!

Tabletop Wealth

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